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Visitors 14
Modified 22-Mar-11
Created 22-Mar-11
30 photos

Architectural compositions of opens spaces and quiet places. Elements, shapes and colors arranged to inspire a mood of quiet meditation.
Decoding Space 7-1Decoding Space 7-2Decoding Space 7-3Decoding Space 7-4Decoding Space 7-5Decoding Space 7-6Decoding Space 7-7Decoding Space 7-8Decoding Space 7-9Decoding Space 7-10Decoding Space 7-11Decoding Space 7-12Decoding Space 7-13Decoding Space 7-14Decoding Space 7-15Decoding Space 7-16Decoding Space 7-17Decoding Space 7-18Decoding Space 7-19Decoding Space 7-20